The distance a person walks in his lifetime counts up to at least that of 3.5 circles around the earth. More than half of the population will have abnormal foot function problems, affecting the feet, knees and waist. The benefits of wearing
orthotics insoles have been identified as providing comfort and better foot performance.
orthotics insoles are specially designed to meet individual foot needs. They are worn inside the shoes and serve as the interface between the foot and the ground. Orthotics insoles can be made in different ways, and the effect can vary by using different designs and materials. The tailor-made and ready-made orthotics insoles of Zhiguo Orthopedic Manufacturing Center are manufactured with the most exquisite technology and accurate biomechanics under the supervision of clinically experienced disease diagnosis and treatment.
What is the effect of Zhiguo orthotics insoles?
Zhiguo orthotics insoles have the power of supporting when one is walking, as a way to improve the mechanical arrangement, provide better balance and performance, allow better pressure distribution, relieve foot pressure inequality and related pain. In biomechanics, orthotics insoles can make functional changes in the foot, help to reduce compensatory movements due to mechanics, and prevent the deterioration of foot problems, especially during vivid and exercise training.
What are the differences between ready-made orthotics insoles and tailor-made orthotics insoles?
orthotics insoles are relatively simple, which are made in advance and sold directly in the market. The most effective orthotics insoles are tailored to fit different demands in the aspect of biomechanics.
Do Zhiguo orthotics insoles need special shoes?
orthotics insoles are customized to fit the foot, which can be made according to the needs of most different types of shoes, especially for those shoes that can take out the original insoles.
A pair of high-quality shoes with two reinforced rear wings can bring the orthopedic function into better play. A pair of half-length or
3/4 length orthotics insoles used in flat sole shoes are more suitable for work. Using tailor-made narrow orthotics insoles to match high heels and so on is also a good choice.